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Steele, William

W. F. Steele, well known citizen of the county, passed away at Axtell hospital last night about 10 o'clock, following several strokes of paralysis, the first of which came about two weeks ago, when he was removed from his home to the hospital.

W. F. ("Doc") Steele was born near Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 8, 1863, and came to Kansas with his parents 42 years ago, at which time they located on a farm southwest of Newton, where the deceased resided until last spring, when he moved his family to Newton, buying the F. B. Peters home at 119 West Eighth Street. On December 12, 1889, he was married to Miss Kate Latham and to this union were born three children. Mrs. Floyd Davis of near Peabody, Jimmie, who is at home with his mother, and a daughter who passed away about ten years ago. Besides his wife, son and daughter, Mr. Steele also leaves his brothers, James, Hans, Samuel, all of this county; John of Los Angeles, and two sisters, Mrs. Anna Russell of Kansas City, Mo. and Mrs. Squire Ashworth, south of Newton.

The funeral will be conducted at the home by Rev. R. L. George on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and owing to the ban on large gatherings, a short service will also be held at Greenwood cemetery. Friends may see Mr. Steele at the Sprinker chapel between the hours of ten and three Wednesday.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date10 Dec 1918
Linked toWilliam Franklin Steele, MD

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