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Morgan, William

The Evening Kansan-Republican

The Kansan this morning received a postal card from Miss Billie Morgan, at Burrton, correcting the erroneous statement made by a Halstead citizen here several days ago, telling of the death of W. A. Morgan, postmaster at Burrton. Miss Morgan states that her father is much improved at present and that other members of the family are also improved, since their attack of influenza. The Kansan frequently helps in holding people's funerals, but this is the first time the paper can remember when it acted as chief agency in the resurrection of a man, and hastens to extend felicitations to our friend Morgan, and we promise not to accuse him of being a ghost when he gets well enough to come over and visit us. The former item was accepted in good faith, and apparently came from a reliable source. The Evening Kansan-Republican, 18 December 1918. Page 1.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date18 Dec 1918
Linked toWilliam A Morgan

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