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Shacklett, Cleve J

Relatives have received word of the death of Cleve J. (Buck) Shacklett, age 55, who passed away June 8, at his home in Oakland, California.

Buck, as he was known to his many friends, was the son of Alice Powell Shacklett and Jesse Shacklett, and was born in Newton on March 1, 1885. A painter by trade, he spent most of his life here until July 1939, when he moved to California.

Mr. Shacklett is survived by his wife, Beatrice, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Fred Brining, Mrs. Jessie Ball, Jack and Robert Shacklett all of Oakland, California; Mrs. May Brooks of Haywards, California; and Glenn of Newton.

The funeral party is expected to arrive in Newton Wednesday morning and the funeral arrangements will be announced in Wednesday's Kansan by the Moody-Hinitt Funeral Home.

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
Date10 Jun 1940
Linked toCleveland J Shacklett

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