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Grove, William Edward
The Newton Kansan
Kansan, Friday, March 1, 1940
Funeral rites for William Edward Grove, for 62 years an outstanding citizen of Newton, whose death occurred Feb. 27, 1940, were conducted Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at the First Presbyterian Church, with the pastor Rev. Frederick E. Black, officiating. (Mr. Grove had been active about the home until Sat. Feb. 24th when he suffered a fall, from which he never recovered.) Mr. Grove was laid to rest in the family plot in Greenwood Cemetery.
William Edward Grove was born in Manchester, Ohio, Nov. 18, 1853 and departed this life Feb. 27, 1940 at his home on E. First Street. As a young man in Ohio, he taught school, until his marriage to Maria Emily Diehl, on Oct. 18, 1877. Two children were born to them. Dr. John L. Grove, noted surgeon of the Axtell Clinic, and Miss Theodora Grove, who is a popular teacher in the High School of Newton. These two, together with two grandsons, Dr. John A. and Dr. William E. Grove. He also leaves brothers and sisters as follows: Dr. John S. Grove of Dallas, Texas, Marvin S. Grove, Manchester, Ohio, and Mrs. Frank Miller, Akron, Ohio. His wife preceded him in death October 5, 1939.
Mr. Grove came to Newton the year following his marriage, in March 1877. He engaged in the grocery business in which he continued for 35 years. His early partnership was with Charles Goss. Mr. Grove through 62 years of participation in many sided activities left upon the community the impress of his character.
His fellow citizens honored him with numerous public offices, in which he served with distinction and efficiency. From 1907 to 1910 he served as mayor of the city of Newton. For seventeen years, beginning in 1890 until 1907 he served continuously, except for two years, as a member of the school board. He was active as a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and served as Clerk of the Court of Harvey County during the years 1922-1932. He was a charter member of the A.O.U.W.
Next to his home, Mr. Grove was devoted to his church. He was a member of the First Presbyterian church of Newton, and served for over 45 years as an Elder of this church. He was one whom all loved, as a vital part of this church and community.
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