Lieu. Jack E Smalley

Lieu. Jack E Smalley

Male 1924 - 1945  (21 years)


Smalley, Jack - Military History


Official word received from the War Department at Washington by Mrs. Jack Smalley confirmed the fears that had been held for some time that her husband, Lieut. Jack Smalley, was killed in service, March 24, 1944,(his grave marker shows March 24, 1945) over Rees, Germany. Notification was receives some time earlier that he was missing in action.

Lieut. Smalley was a co-pilot of a C-47 paratrooper plane. The plane with two others had safely delivered their paratroopers at the advanced spot designated, and the ship on which Lieut. Smalley was flying had negotiated eight miles of the return trip returning to their base when all three were shot down. But one man was able to bail out, the crew chief of the plane of the Newton officer was riding. He was wounded but rescued and returned to the states.

Lieut. Smalley entered the service February, 1943 and had been overseas only about three months. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Smalley of Newton, and his wife was the former Miss June Plumb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Plumb. Mr. and Mrs. Smalley's other son Robert, served in the Merchant Marines.

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