Helen Harriet Jensen

Female 1901 - 1984  (83 years)


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Charles Ernest Jensen Family - c. 1927 Family photo: left, Grandpa (John), and Grandma (Elizabeth) Herby who raised Louise Lulu Lynn (deceased by the time of photo), the mother of Helen who is next to the Herbys, Fern and Lois who are the other two women in the photo. Their father, Charles Jensen is between Helen and her husband Ollie Riggs. Their brother is between Fern and Lois. Youngsters are Louise Riggs, Jeanne and her brother, and unknown child. Source: helenl441 on ancestry.com

Family Portrait

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
File nameJohnHerbyFamilyPhoto.jpg
File Size63.13k
Dimensions500 x 380
Linked toElizabeth Jane (Wooden) Herby; William Johnston Herby; Charles Ernest Jensen; Fern Marguerite Jensen; Helen Harriet Jensen; Jack Charles Jensen; Lois Louise Jensen

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