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Woods, Joseph

The Evening Kansan-Republican

The friends of Joseph Woods of Walton were greatly pained to hear of his death which occurred this morning at three o'clock as the result of pneumonia. While all knew that he was a very sick man and their fears had been increased by the fact that his physician had summoned a Newton doctor in consultation, the word had reached the city yesterday that he seemed a little better so that the news this morning was the more of a shock.

In Mr. Woods' death Walton and Walton township loses a citizen who has been closely identified with the life of the community for a quarter of a century. That he had the confidence of his neighbors was demonstrated by the fact that at the time of his death he was serving his second term as Postmaster, which office he had filled most acceptably. He is survived by his wife and daughter, Miss Rena, and was a brother of Glenn Woods also very well known, while another brother passed before him only a few months ago.

Mr. Woods was a faithful member of the United Presbyterian Church of Walton and his funeral will be held in the Church tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock.

Owner of originalThe Evening Kansan-Republican
Date24 Jan 1905
Linked toJoseph Henry Woods

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