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Jackson, Cooper

The Newton Kansan

Kansan, Monday, August 5, 1946

Cooper Jackson, well known prominent citizen of Newton for the greater part of the time since 1885, died at the Bethel Deaconess hospital Sunday morning, at 12:20, where he had been since July 25. He had been in failing health for some time.

Funeral services will be conducted at the Moody's Funeral Chapel Tuesday morning at 10:00 with rev. Luther Coopedge, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating. Internment will be in Greenwood Cemetery, with members of the Elk lodge serving as casket bearers. Friends may see Mr. Jackson at the funeral chapel any time this evening.

Cooper was born in New Albany, Ind., June 24, 1876, and hence was just past 70 years of age. His parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Jackson who came here in 1885. As a young man Cooper entered the newspaper business, and while yet a youth went to Mexico where he became editor of the Mexican Herold, remaining in that country about ten years, encountering many experiences incident to political unrest. Returning to the states he edited as Mexican magazine published in New York for a time.

Oct. 4, 1906 he was married to Miss Maude Berry who passed away in September, 1913. To this union were born two children, Hugh Jackson of Hiattsvilkle, Md., now a prominent magazine writer, who is here at this time, and Mrs. Margaret Beers of Denver, also here.

Cooper returned to Newton to make his home in 1914, and for a year or so edited the Kansan, and when his brother-in-law, Dr. J. W. Graybill A. O. U. W. became grand master Kansas, Cooper joined him as actuary and technician in insurance matters, later working out the system of adopting the "old plan" in lieu of the old step-rate premiums. He became prominent in life insurance circles, and was made grand recorder, serving in that capacity several years until his retirement in 1939. He was a man of outstanding ability and initiative.

Besides his two children he is survived by two sisters, Mrs. J. W. (Joanna) Graybill, with whom he made his home the past six years, and Mrs. Agnes Lacy, Corpus Christi, Tex.

Owner of originalJulian Wall
Date29 Mar 2011
Linked toWilliam Cooper Jackson

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