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Kiff, Hattie
The Burrton Breeze
A Former Burrton Lady Dead
After an illness of six weeks, Mrs. W. Henry Kiff passed away at 10:30 Tuesday morning at the home, No. 17 Allis street, death resulting from an abscess of the chest.
Mrs. Kiff was formerly Miss Hattie Knight, of Rome township. For the past 17 years Mr. and Mrs. Kiff have made their home in the west, moving to the present home from Burrton, Kansas last October [1901]. Since moving here, Mr. Kiff has been employed at Harry Harrison's meat market and has also been engaged in buying and selling cattle. As soon as Mrs. Kiff recovered the family expected to move to her old home, the Knight farm, in East Rome, but she never sufficiently recovered her health to attempt to make the change, death releasing her as stated above.
There is left to mourn the loss of a kind and devoted wife and mother, a husband and three children, Carrie, Everett, and Gertrude. Besides the immediate family, a mother (Mrs. Ed Knight), and two sisters and three brothers are left; Mrs. F. J. Merril, of East Rome, Mrs. C. A. Knowels of this city, Fred, F.C., and C.R. Knight.
A short service will be held at the home, No 17 Allis street, at noon Thursday and the funeral will be conducted from the East Rome Church at 2 o'clock standard, Thursday afternoon; by Rev. J. I. Nickerson, of the city (Adrian, Michigan Telegram, April 23, 1902).
Mrs. Kiff with her husband were residents of Burrton for a number of years, and the deceased had many warm friends who will be grieved to hear of her demise. The bereaved husband and family have the sympathy of their many friends in their hour of deep sorrow.
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