Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Underwood, Minor Jr
Kansan, Monday, May 25, 1914
The funeral of Minor Underwood Jr., was held at the Second Baptist church, Sunday afternoon at 3 o,clock and was attended by a large number of friends of the family.
Minor Underwood Jr., was born in Trenton, Kentucky, October 10, 1879. He came to Newton with his parents when a child and grew to manhood here. Sixteen years ago he went to Kansas City to reside and continued to live their until his death, May 22.
He was married to Miss Laura Leonard of Kansas City, December 23, 1909, who, with his parents, and four sisters, two brothers survive him.
His death from acute indigestion was a sudden one. He was apparently in good health. On Thursday evening he complained of not feeling very well but it did not occur to his wife that it was anything serious. She was awakened about 1 o'clock by a peculiar sound. When she received no answer to her inquiry made of him, she aroused the family and summoned a physician. He was beyond medical aid when the physician arrived and at 2 o'clock the end came.
A short funeral service was held at his house in Kansas City, Saturday afternoon, attended by his relatives and a host of friends and he was brought to Newton Saturday night.
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