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Stewart, Charles


Judge Charles Hamilton Stewart, well known Newton citizen and justice of the peace, died at the family homes, 310 West sixth street, Saturday night, Dec. 28, at 11:00 0'clock, after an illness of several months.
Funeral services will be conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 at the Moody Funeral Chapel, with Rev. George W. Nelson, D. D., pastor of the Presbyterian church, of which Judge Stewart was a member, in charge. Burial will be made at the Greenwood Cemetery. Friends may see him at the funeral chapel any time this evening. The family requests that no flowers be sent.
C. H. Stewart was born at Delevan, Ill., April 8, 1874, and was past 72 years of age. Newton had been his home since 1876 except for a few years in which he lived in New Mexico.
He leaves his wife, who was Mary Ann Showalter, to Whom He was married in Newton, August 28, 1898, and their one daughter, Mrs. Dwight Eells of this city.

Owner of originalJulian Wall
Date4 Jun 2011
Linked toJudge Charles Hamilton Stewart

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