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Van Horn, Ara Ann Elizabeth
Halstead Independent
Mrs. Ara Ann Elizabeth VanHorn, widow of Thomas B. VanHorn died Tuesday afternoon of last week at her home on the farm northwest of town. She had been afflicted with fatty degeneration of the heart for several months and for several weeks it was evident to the family and friends that the end could not long be deferred. Yet she never complained and often expressed a willingness to abide by the decission of her Master.
The deceased had been a resident of Halstead and vicinity for nearly forty years, coming here from Alabama in the early seventies. She was a woman of strong personality and was ever the friend of those in sickness or distress.
Anna Ara Elizabeth Williams was born in Russell coounty, Alabama, Dec. 7, 1849 and died June 10, 1913, aged 63 years, 6 months and 3 days. She was married to Thomas Benton VanHorn in Russell, Alabama Feb. 7, 1865 and moved to Kansas in 1874. To this union thirteen children wwere born, five of whom preceded her.
Those remaining to mourn her death are Mrs. John Duffton of Sanitago, Calif; Mrs. Jessie Gruver who had been with her mother during her illness; Erastus VanHorn of Portland, Oregon; Eustus VanHorn of Albuquerque, N.M.; Andrew J. VanHorn of this city; Mrs. H. P. Voth of Ellinwood, Ks; Mrs. J. E. Meyers of Ellinwood, Ks; and Mrs. Jim Weaver of Halstead, Kansas. Her aged mother, two brothers, Henry Williams of Goddard, Ks. and A. B. Williams of Lakin township and two sisters, Mrs. Will Dalton of Lakin township and Mrs. Vida McDonald of Riaalto, Calif. also survive.
The funeral was held Thursday morning from the late home and interment was made in the family lot in the Halstead Cemetery. Her former pastor of the Christian Church, Rev. R. A. Adamson being in charge. He spoke feelingly of the many noble traits and good deeds which he had observed from an acquaintance of more than twenty years.
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