Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Williams, Patricia Gail
Halstead Independent
Precious Patricia Gail Williams passed away on Tuesday evening, March 6, 1951 in a Newport, Rhode Island hospital. Her illness was acute and brief. She had Bulbur Polio.
She was born May 25, 1950 in Newport and was the baby daughter of Lt. and Mrs. I. R. Williams. Even though her life lived was only nine months and eleven days, she had endeared herself to her parents and her little sister, Pamela, who is only three years old and her little lovable "self" made all who knew her happy.
In addition to her parents and sister Pamela, she is survived by her maternal grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. O. R. Fancher of Altus, Oklahoma and paternal grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. A. B. Williams of Halstead.
Memorial services for baby Patricia Gail were conducted on Monday aafernoon, March 12th at Kaufman Funeral Chapel Little Patricia Gail was tenderly laid to rest in the family lot in the Halstead Cemetery.
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