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Purcell, Harry L
Hutchinson News
Harry L. Purcell, 67, insurance agent for the Great American Life company here, died in St. Elizabeth's hospital Sunday after six weeks illness.
He was born in Kingman county Feb. 22, 1885, and lived for a time in Burrton. He went to Higgins, Texas in 1920 and came to Hutchinson in 1945. He was a member of the First Christian Church.
Survivors: widow, Anna, of the home, 604 North Star, Hutchinson; daughter, Mrs. Dalph Lough, 1829 East 4th, Hutchinson; two sons, Cecil, Englewood, Colorado and Joe of the home; four brothers, Ross Briscoe, Texas and Bert, Cecil and William, all of Cottage Gove, Oregon; five sisters, Mrs. Elsie Bridwell, Cottage Grove; Mrs. Mildred Eastburn, Brooking, Oregon; Mrs. Laurel Smith, Lowell, Oregon; Mrs. Lillie Jackson, Perryton, Texas and Mrs. Neva B____, Tampa, Texas.
Burial was in Burrton Cemetery.
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