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Myers, Mary Florence Hunt

Burrton Newspaper

Mrs. Florence Myers, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Hunt was born March 4, 1856. She came to Kansas as a young girl about 1873 and continued to reside in or near this community until her passing.

She was married to John Myers and to this union seven children wwere born, two dying in chidhood, Roy, as a young man and Mrs. Gertrude Housh about a year ago. Three children are still living. E. F. Myers, Mrs. Nettie Hanselman and J. W. Myers. Mr. Myers passed away one year ago last fall.

She belonged to the U.B, church and when they moved to Burrton some twenty years ago, united with the First Christian church where she has since been a faithful worker. She was very energetic and enjoyed good health until Jan 9 when friends found her lying on the divan, apparently having suffered from a stroke. She was taken to Grace Hospital where she assed away on Jannuary 13, 1936.

Funeral services were held from the Christian Church Wednesday. Rev. Stewart was in charge assisted by Rev. Luper of the U.B. Church. She was laid to rest beside her husband in the Burrton Cemetery.

Owner of originalBurrton Newspaper
Date13 Jan 1936
Linked toMary Florence (Hunt) Myers

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