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Hunt, Mary Eliza Cook

Burrton Graphic

Mary Eliza Cook Hunt was born October 7, 1923 in the state of Kentucky. During infancy her parents moved to Choctov Co., Mississippi where she grew to womanhood. She married John J. Hunt Oct. 13, 1843. Eight children were born to this union, three of which died iin infancy.
In March 1872 she with her family moved to Burrton where she lived until the spring of 1887 when they moved to Oklahoma.

On the 26th day of May 1904, while visiting in Burrton, she had a stroke of paralysis rendering her entirely helpless. In this condition she remained til the morning of May 6, 1909 when the summons of death came. "Grandma" as she is familiarly called, joined the Baptist Church in early life, later she united with the Church of Christ, and was a faithful member for forty years.

Survivors: her aged husband and five children; Mrs. P. A. Moore, Burrton; Mrs. John Myers, Burrton; Mrs. A. W. Ballard, Joplin, Mo; Mrs. Al Collins, Burrton, John W. Hunt, Edmond, Oklahoma.

Funeral services were held from the home of Mrs. Moore. Interment was in Burrton Cemetery.

Owner of originalBurrton Graphic
Date06 May 1909
Linked toMary Eliza Cook Hunt

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