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Carmichael, Everett Franklin

Burrton Graphic

Everett Franklin Carmichael was born near Burrton, Kansas, Feb. 15, 1900 and departed this life Dec. 16, 1920 in St. Louis, Mo. at the age of 20 years 10 months and 1 day. At the age of 5 years, he moved with his parents to Hutchinson, Kansas where he lived until he was 9 years of age when he united with the Christian Church, and a year later moved with his parents to Burrton, Kansas. He graduated from the Burrton high school with the class of 1917, and entered Washburn University the following year.

He enlisted in the U. S. Marines the 13th of August 1918 and was sent to Paris Island, South Carolina where he remained until he was discharged Dec. 1918. He took up vocational training at Washington University in September 1920, where he was taken to the hos;ital, where he passed peacefully into the life beyond the vale of tears.

He leaves to mourn his departure, his father and mother, Mr. & Mrs. D. Carmichael, five sisters, Docia Stone, Ruby, Ruth, Florence and Virginia Lois all of Burrton, Kansas.

His funeral was held Dec. 21 in the presence of a crowded building of relatives and friends and his body laid to rest in the Burrton Cemetery.

Owner of originalBurrton Graphic
Date16 Dec 1920
Linked toEverette Franklin Carmichael

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