Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Haury, Edwin John
Halstead Independent
Edwin John Haury was born at Trenton, Illinois, March 4, 1874 and a year later came to Halstead with his parents and located on the old home farm four miles north of town where practically all his life was spent. A few years ago he puprchased the farm south of the old home and there he resided at the time of his death.
Mr. Haury died of injuries received in a runaway accident from which he sustained critical injuries.
He joined the Mennonite church Octobere 7, 1888 and was an active and consistent member. He took an active part in the affairs of the community and had served a number of terms as Township Trustee as well as in the office of Township Treasurer. He was also President of the Farmers Elevator.
He was married to Miss Susie Schmitt October 21, 1908, who passed from this life on June 9, 1923. From this union there are three children; Orville, Elizabeth and Hilda, who are now called upon to stand the loss of the kind and indulgent father. He was later married on July 22, 1925 to Miss Dora Leisy, his now bereaved widow.
In addition to the widow and children, he is survived by his aged father, Daniel Haury; four brothers and five sisters.
Services were held at the First Mennonite church with burial in the Halstead Cemetery.
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