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Hege, Anna Barbara Leisy

Sedgwick Pantagraph

Last rites were held Friday afternoon at the First Christian church in Sedgwick for Mrs. J. H. Hege who passed away Tuesday at the Halstead hospital following a short illness. Rev. Busby, minister of the church, will officiate. Interment was in the Halstead cemetery.

Anna Barbara Leisy was born March 10, 1863 at Donnelson, Iowa. She passed away gently in her sleep April 16 at the age of 77 years, 1 month and 6 days. She was the oldest daughter of Abraham and Barbara Leisy. At the age of 13 when her mother died, she assumed the place of a mother to her 4 brothers and a sister.

On Janury 5, 1885, she was united in marriage to Jacob Henry Hege. Immediately after their marriage, Mr. & Mrs. Hege moved to Claflin, Kansas, where they resided for 15 years. Later they moved to their present farm home. To this union 8 children were born, 2 of whom died in infancy.

Much of her vigorous life was lived unere the handicap of ill health against which she struggled valiantly.

She is survived by her husband, 4 brothers and 6 childreen; John D. of Halstead; Mrs. Frank Ashcraft of Kingman; Edgar J. of Sedgwick; Hulda of Larchmont, N.Y.; Paul of Columbus, Ohio; Myrtle of Hutchinson; 10 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Early iin life she united with the Mennonite church, later transferring her membership to the First Christian church in Sedgwick.

Owner of originalSedgwick Pantagraph
Date16 Apr 1940
Linked toAnna Barbara Leisy Hege

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