Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Hege, Gustavus A.
Halstead Independent
The community was shocked and grieved on Tuesday of last week to learh of the suddem death of G. A. Hege, which occured in Eagle Rock, California, Tuesday, February 5, 1929. Mr. Hege had never entirely recovered from a severe attack of influenzaa in November, but had been going about his usual activities, apparently gaining in strength until Monday when he was stricken early in the morning with an attack of angina pectoris from which death resulted a few hours later.
G. A. Hege was born at Summerville, Illinois December 3, 1861. In April 1889 he came to Kansas with his widowed mother and established a home on the farm north of Halstead, where he lived until he went to Emporia to attend the Kansas State Teachers College. After graduating there in 1883 he returned to Halstead to enter upon a business career with his brother, D. C.Hege and from that time, until 1906, when he moved to Emporia, he was a prosperous and highly respected citizen in our city. From 1900 to 1905 he and his brother Menno S. Hege carried on the manufacturing of the Ruth self feeder.
On October 26, 1887 he was united in marriage with Jessie Loy whom he had met in Emporia. After 19 years residence in Halstead, they returned to Emporia to complete the education of their three chhildren in the College of Emporia. He was for several terms the mayor of Halstead and school board member on both the Halstead and Emporia schools. In 1920 he and his wife went to California where they made their home in Eagle Rock.
He is the last of his immediate family, his parents and two brothers having passed on before. He is survived by his widow, Jessie L. Hege of Los Angeles; two daughters, Mrs. Montrose Burrows of Los Angeles and Mrs. Charles Sword of Whittier, Californria, eight grandchildren.
Short services were conducted at the home in Eagle Rock. A short service was also held at Halstead with burial in the Halstead cemetery.
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