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Hege, Katherine Elizabeth Baer

Halstead Independent

Old-time residents, as well as others of this community were grieved to learn that on September 13, 1931 Mrs. Katherine Hege of Eagle Rock, California passed away in a hospital in Pasadena, following an illness covering a period of a number of years which resulted in jaundice and other complications to claim her life at the age of 72 years, 10 months, 5 days.

Following a short funeral service in Eagle Rock, the body was brought to Halstead where funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church in Halstead followed by burial in the Halstead Cemetery.

Katherine Elizabeth Baer was born November 8, 1858 in O"Fallen, Illinois where she spent her childhood and grew to early womanhood. On August 6, 1882 she was married to Menno S. Hege, shortly after which they moved to Kansas settling on a farm north of Halstead. To this union were born four children who survive: Carl F. Hege, Halstead; Daniel C. Hege, Eagle Rock, California; Mrs. Mildred Hege Sayler, Ventura, California and B. E. Hege of Wichita.

Mrs. Hege with her family lived on the farm north of town until May 1, 1895 when their home was destroyed by a cyclone. On May 2, of that year, they moved to the city of Halstead and made their home at 423 East 5th until 1920 when at an order of her attending physician, she moved to Eagle Rock, with her daughter, Mildred, where she resided until her death.

Mrs. Hege held a place among the pioneer women of Kansas, having come here when the history of the state was in the making. She experienced the privations of pioneer life in the destruction of crops by the elements of nature and she learned that by patience and continuous effort, any obstacle may be overcome. She was a Christian woman whose religion was reflected in her many kind deeds in her home and among her neighbors. At an early age she became affiliated with the local Presbyterian Church to which she remained a staunch supporter until the end.

Surviving with her children are nine grandchildren and two brothers, Benjamin Baer and Adolph Baer, of Summerfield, Illinois.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date24 Sep 1931
Linked toKatharine Elizabeth (Baer) Hege

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