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Sayler, Charles Hollis

Halstead Independent

Charles Hollis Sayler, 85, Dodge City Kansas, a former area resident died April 19, 1987 at his home in Dodge City. He was born December 9, 1901 at Patterson, Kansas the son of John M. and Lydia Hollis Sayler.

He grew up in the Halstead-Burrton area and graduated from Halstead High School in 1920. He then attended Kansas University and graduated with a degree in journalism. After graduation he became the editor of the Los Gatos, Califormia Mail News. He later owned a newspaper in Holtville, California and in 1937 he returned to Halstead and purchased the Halstead Independent which he owned and operated for four years before moving back to Los Gatos and becoming the editor of the Mail News again. His last place of employment before retirement, was with the Navy Ammunition Depaartment at Hawthorne, Nevada, where he was editor of the Depot newspaper and also worked in public relations with the department. He then returned to Kansas and took up residence at Dodge City.

He married Mildred Hege in 1929 at Eagle Rock, California. She died October of 1965. He then married Myrl Kliesen on September 17, 1968 at Dodge City. She died February 19, 1987.

He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Dodge City; the K.U. Alumni Association and Sigma Delta Chi.

Survivors: one son, Charles Sayler, Woodwide, California and one sister, Bessie Hanna, Hesston.

Services were held at the church with the Rev. Lynne Smith. Burial was in the Halstead cemetery.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date19 Apr 1987
Linked toCharles Hollis Sayler

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