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Russel, Helen Virginia

Halstead Independent

Helen Virginia Russel was born March 19, 1913 in Kansas City, Kansas and departed this life on May 13, 1948. She was taken to the hospital on May 10th and after a three day battle for her life, she was translated into the presence of her savior.

On January 16, 1957 she was united in marriage to Elmer R. Russel. She was the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Claude Viersen, sharing their love and affection after being legally adopted by them at the age of three weeks and two days. In addition to her parents she is also survived by her infant daughter, Jo Lynn.

She was baptised at the age of 23 years old and became a faithful member of the Halstead Methodist Church. She had many friends, was a member of the Rebekah Lodge, Chapter No. 114 of Halstead. She was a graduate of the Halstead High School with the class of 1934 and entered the Halstead Hosital School of nurses the following spring.

Services were held at the Church. Burial was in the Halstead Cemetery.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date13 May 1948
Linked toHelen Virginia Russell

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