Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Wright, Hattah M.
Halstead Independent
Hattah M. Wright, 86, Newton, died April 27, 1986 at the Presbyterian Manor, Newton. She was born Hattah M. Andress April 14, 1900 at Lenora. She and a twin sister studied nursing at the Halstead Hertzler Clinic and began working there upon graduation. She married Claude C. Wright May 8, 1925 at Newton. He died August 10, 1973. She left the Hertzler Clinic in the late 1950's and began a 15 year career at Bethel Deaconess Hospital in Newton. She had been a reaident of Newton most of her life.
She was a member of the First Presbyterian Church, Newton and the Kansas State Nurses Association.
Survivors: daughter in-law, Florence E. Wright, Haven; four grandchildren and five great grandchildren.
Graveside services were held Tuesday morning, April 19, aat Greenwood Cemetery, MNewton. Memorials to the heart association.
Owner of original | Halstead Independent |
Date | 27 April 1986 |
Linked to | Hattah M. Wright |
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