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Wilson, Corp. Marlin

Halstead Independent

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wilson, south of Halstead, were notified by telegram from the Adjutant General in the War department Wednesday that their son, Corp. Marlin Wilson, had been killed in action in the Phillipine Islands on Saturday, January 24, 1942. Corporal Wilson was a member of Company M 31st Infantry, part of the forces under General Douglas McArthur.

Marlin had been operating a transport truck for most of the year and a half he had been in the Phillipines, but some time before his death, he had been transferred to the position of target finder behind one of the big guns in the Islands. The telegram from the Adjutant General did not wtate in what part of the islands he was located at the time of his death, but stated that a letter would follow giving more details.

Marlin was 29 years of age last August 21. He attended the Mayflower school, Dist # 34 and had worked on his father's farm and those of neighbors before going to Wichita, where he had employment in the Allis hotel for about a year before enlisting in the army at Wichita in September, 1940. He went to the Phillipines almost immediately, and had been in Manila until it was evacuated following the onslaught of Japanese forces.

Survivors include his parents, Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wilson; two brothers, Sgt. Myron Wilson, now with the Marines in San Diego, California; Adam Wilson, foreman in a goverment arsenal in Utah; and seven sisters, four of them living in Widhita; Mrs. Joe Allen; Mrs. Wilbur Spencer; Mrs. Arthur Koop; Mrs. Jerry Reed, all of Wichita; Mrs. Charles Black, San Diego, California; Mrs. Maurice Leckington, Newton and Mrs. Graydon Sinclair of Wichita.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date15 Mar 1942
Linked toCorp. Marlin Wilson

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