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Webster, James

Old Newspaper clipping

James Webster, a veteran of the Civil War, came to Kanas in 1871 in the hopes of securing a Homestead where residence and improvements were the only reuirements necessary to obtain a Government Deed. He had left his wife and two little girls until he could establsh a home on his Claim. During the winter of 1871-1872 he built a little "box" house, 12x12 and as spring drew near, he sent for his wife and family to join him. At that time, the railroad had not been completed to Sedgwick and mail service was very incertain. Hopeing that he would get mail from Mrs. Webster, advising him just when to meet her in Newton, he started to Sedgwick, but when he reached the Little Arkansas river, it was so high that he feared his team could not ford it, so left them on the west bank and attempted to swim across to a point one-fourth mile soouth of where that beautiful cement bridge west of Sedgwick stood. The water was cold and the current strong and he was drawn under and drowned. The body was recovered and burial was made on a gently sloping knoll near the southwest corner. It rested there for many years alone, neglected and uncared for until the United States, which he had served had it removed and placed in Hillside Cemetery at Sedgwick near the old cannon placed there in honor of the many veterans there who sleep "the sleep that knows no breaking." In about two days, the wife and two daughters arrived and learned that they were alone in a strange land.

With the spirit which has ever dominated the pioneer women, she assumed the added burden and began the new life. About this time, Harvey County was organized and, being a woman of education and rare accomplishments, she was appointed the first County Superintendent of Schools. District #7 was organized by her efforts and a school house built on her homestead. This buuilding was 16x20 with two windows in the north side and two in the south and a door in the west end. Mrs. Webster, although County Superintendent became the first teacher and was beloved by her pupils. The length of the term in that first school was three months.

As soon as Mrs. Webster could complete the required residencer on the claim, she returned to Iowa and soon passed away.

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