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Wilmore, C. F.
Halstead Independent
Charles Franklin Wilmore (C. F.) pioneer of Harvey County, Kansas, passed away on Tuesday morning, July 18, 1950, at the Halstead Hospital. He had been seriously ill for only a few days. He was the son of Jessie W. and Helen Swan Wilmore.
Mr. Wiilmore was born in Winchester, Indiana on October 13, 1867. He came to Newton, Kansas at the age of 20 and had resided in Harvey county since that time. For the last few years, he had been retired, but previously had engaged in farming southwest of Halstead.
When he came to Newton, he took an active interest in civic and publis affairs of Harvey County. He was a long time charter member of the Newton Rotary club. For many years, he was a teacher in the Harvey county public schools. He left Kansas for a short period of time, staking a claim when the Cherokee Strip was opened in Oklahoma but always considered Harvey county as his home.]
Mr. Wilmore is survived by his widow, Mrs. Wilmore and the following children: John Hoover Wilmore, rural Sedgwick, Miss Helen Mildred Wilmore, professor of Home economics in the University of Kentucky in Lexington; Miss Ardis Aileen Wilmore, director of nurses in the Childrens Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, Kansas; Waldo Wayne Wilmore, executive secretary of the Kansas Tuberculosis and Health Association, Topeka; grandchildren and other relatives. One son, Charles Franklin (Jr) passed away in November of 1949 and a daughter, Virginia Swan Wilmore, passed away in 1911.
Funeral services were conducted July 20 from the Kaufman Funeral Chapel in Halstead. Burial was made in the family lot in the Halstead Cemetery.
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