Harvey County Genealogical Database
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Masters, Letha Ingalls
Halstead Independent
The many friends of Mrs. Leeta Masters were shocked and deeply grieved when they leartned of her sudden death, which took place at her home, early Sunday morning February 25, following a heart attack, at the age of 74 years.
With the exception of five years spent in California, following her marriage to W. Roy Masters in 1912, she spent her entire life in Halstead.
As an outstanding musician, she gave generously of her time and talents to her church and the community until 1951 when she suffered a severe heart attack while on a trip to Europe with her husband. She spent three months in a hospital in England and for many months, after her return home, was forced to lead a more retiring life.
The past few years, tho not in robust health, she was able to enjoy her home, her clubs and take numerous trips within the United States. The evening prior to her death, she attended the Methodist church dinner at the city hall, and later played bridge with a group of friends.
Last fall, in observance of their 50th wedding anniversary, Mr. & Mrs. Masters spent several weeks on a trip to the northwest.
She was the only daughter of M. S. Ingalls and Lulu Jones Ingalls, and was born in Halstead, September 22, 1888. Her parents and three brothers, Charles, Glenn and Maurice preceded her in death. Her only immediate survivor is her husband.
Her father was one of the sturdy pioneers of Harvey county. A druggist, town booster and builder, he helped to lay out the town of Halstead.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church. Burial was in the family plot in the Halstead Cemetery.
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