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Steele, Ara H

Halstead Independent

Ara H. Steele, one of the most prominent and widely known farmers in this sectionl committed suicide at his home five miles north and west of Halstead about 8 o'clock Sunday evening by shooting himself through the right temple with a 22 calibre rifle. It was noticed by members of the family that Ara had seemed depressed most of Sunday, but at the eveing meal seemed to be in his usual good spirits. Following the supper, one of the sons started to clean some of the guns about the home and the rifle being missed from its accustomed place caused some apprehension and as the boys started looking around, heard some noise from the vicinity of the barn. There they found Mr. Steele's body. He had worried over financial conditions for some time.

He was born near Warrington, Indiana on May 9, 1878. He came to Halstead with his widowed mother in 1885 and at once was taken care of at the home of the last William Charlton where he had been regarded as one of the family.

He married Miss May Boyer November 24, 1898. Seven children were born from this union, the youngest being only 4 years old. Survivors: Mrs. John Crandall; Eldo, Wayne; Kenneth; Arline; and Bobby; two brothers, Benton Steele of Sedgwick and John Steele of Halstead.

Services were held from the home of the departed with burial in the Halstead cemetery.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date18 Nov 1923
Linked toAra Hendricks Steele

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