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Clymer, Elizabeth Hoisington
The Newton Kansan
ElDorado - Mrs. Elizabeth Clymer, 84, died Tuesday at Allen Memorial Hospital. She had been ill for several weeks after suffering a fall at her home.
She was born August 6, 1890 in Newton, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Perry M. Hoisington. She attended Newton school and graduated from the College of Emporia in 1913, ater which she taught school for two years at Wakeeney.
Her father, Col. Hoisington, was an early day business man in Newton and was one of the founders of the Railroad Savings and Loan. He also served as commander of the Kansas National Guard and was active in that organization for years.
She married Rolla A. Clymer in Newton, June 18, 1915. They had resided in ElDorado since April 1918, when Mr. Clymer became editor and manager of the ElDorado Republican, now the ElDorado Times.
Survivors in addition to the widower; one son, David H., ElDorado; one daughter, Miss Catherine Clymer, Los Angeles, California; one sister, Miss Margaret Hoisington, Long Beach, California; two grandchildre. She was also an aunt to Brig. Gen. Elizabeth Hoisington, retired.
She was a member of the First United Presbyterian Church, P.E.O., and several other clubs in ElDorado.
Services will be held Friday at the church.
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