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McCall, Samuel Eugene
The Newton Kansan
Samuel Eugene "Gene" McCall, 71, 1407 West Broadway, retired president of McCall's Shoes Inc., died Monday, May 12, 1975, at Axtell Christian Hospital after an extended illness. He was born August 18, 1903 in Norton County, Kansas, the son of Moses B. and Margaret Jones McCall. He married Mary Ruth Shankel September 4, 1927 at Wichita. They moved to Newton in 1939. Mrs. McCall survives of the home.
Mr. McCall was a member of Trinity Heights United Methodist Church, a member and past president of the Newton Chamber of Commerce, Director emeritus of the Kansas State Bank, a member for 36 years and past president of the Newton Lions Club, a 50 year member of the Newton Masonic Lodge, a member of the Royal Arch Masons and Newton Commandery Knights Templar..
Survivors in addition to the widow: two sons, Richard R., Newton; and Dr. Victor, Fort Worth, Texas; one daughter, Mrs. Rex (Carolyn) Hargis, Mesa, Arizona; three brothers, Walter, Gentry, Arkansas; Mancel, Liberal and John, Des Moines, Iowa; one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Cornett, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; eight grandchildren.
Services will be held at the church Tuesday with Burial in Greenwood cemetery.
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