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Schultz, John

Halstead Independent

Death claimed on of our oldest citizens at the family home in the east part of town Monday morning after an illness of about three years. John Schultz had been able to be about his home up to within a few days of his final passing away and the end was not expected.

After locating in Halsteadd he was employed at the Halstead Mill for many years. Later he was a faithful janitor at the Presbyterian Church.

He was born in West Prussia, Germany, December 120, 1843. He was married to his now bereaved widow on November 12, 1864 and had ever since made this city the family home.

At the age of 14 years he united with the Lutheran Church. During his residence in Germany, he served time in the Army as a body buard to Emperor Willhelm, the First and took great pride in refering to that distinction in the early days of his life.

Twelve children were born and but five survive. They are F. S. Schultz of Wellington; Mrs. R. C. Stone of Newton; Henry Schultz, Mrs. M. J. Schimnowski and Mrs. W. J. Gressinger of Halstead. Also 17 grandchildreen and 5 great brandchildren.

Seveices were held from the Kinzer & Quiring Chapel Wednesday afternoon. The funeral will be held from the Methodist Church, Thursday, and interment is to be in the City Cemetery.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date16 Sep 1926
Linked toJohn Schultz

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