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Ice, Clement


Clement Vanallandingham Ice was born in Chase county, November 4, 1871, and died at his home near Clements, Kans., July 26, 1903.
There were in the family besides himself, three brothers, William Rally, who died in infancy. Arthur M. and Lee R., now living on French creek; three sister, Phenora, who died in July, 1875, Cleopatra, now living in New York City, and Mrs. Josephine Jackson, Now living in Kansas City. His mother died in 1899, and his father April 2, 1902.
He was married to Jessie, daughter of Clay and Ella Shaft May 5, 1897. To this union were born a daughter and a son, both of whom are still living.
He was known and well liked by all in this community, a young and prosperous farmer of excellent character and business principles above reproach, as his many friends will testify. He belonged to several secret and beneficiary orders, viz: Masons, I. O. O. F. and Rebecca's.
How we shall miss him in our social and business relations, where we always sought his council and excellent judgment. He was the youngest son of the late well known A. R. Ice, whose honest dealings with his fellow man, which this young man so deeply inherited, cannot be questioned.
He was a kind and loving husband and father, a worthy model to emulate. Our sympathies go out to the bereaved wife and children, brothers and sisters, and many friends, by whom he will be missed in the every day walks of life. We cannot help feeling a spirit of rebellion at the sudden taking off of our young friend, with every prospect of a happy and prosperous life before him, but we bow to our Maker who doeth all things well.

Owner of originalJulian Wall
Date02 Aug 2011
Linked toClement Valandingham Ice

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