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Haury, Lucretia Jane Parker
Harvey County Independent
Lucretia Jane Haury, 92, died Saturday May 31, 2003 at Presbyterian Manor in Newton. She was born May 9, 1911 at Wellington, Kansas, the third child of five children of Earnest Fredrick and Margaret Lucretia Winstanley Parker. After graduation from Caldwwell High School in 1930, she was accepted into the fall nursing class at Halstead Hospital School of Nursing. After graduation, she practiced nursing at Wellington Hospital for two years.
On April 25, 1934, she married Orville Haury. They lived on the family farm northh of Halstead for 68 years, raising their family and serving the community.
She had been a member of the First Mennonite Church of Halstead since 1934. She served the church as a Sunday school teacher, sang in the choir in her early years and was director of several children's Christmas programs. She was a volunteer in the American Red Cross for 30 years and a OES member for 25 years. She was also a member of the Halstead Hospital Auxiliary and the Kansas Learning Center for Health.
She was the second recipient of the Good Neighbor Award at the 1972 Old Settlers Celebration and she and Orville were the Old Settlers King and Queen in 1994.
Her life can be summed up in one word, Service. She will be remembered by her family and friends for her enthusiasm for family, community and country and for her fresh humor, family members said.
Survivors: one son, Kent and wife, Myrla, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and one daughter, Janelle and husband Bill Karras, Halstead; brother, Fred Parker, Abilene, Texas; four grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, Orville, who died January 14, 2003 and three sisters, Jessie Jeff, Olevia Walker and Helen Manning.
Funeral services were held at the church with burial following at the Halstead on Wednesday Morning, June 4, 2003.
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