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Cochran, Estella L.

Halstead Independent

Estella L. Cochran, 88, Halstead, died Thursday, December 16, 1983 at Newton Medical Center. She was born August 12, 1905 at Luther, Oklahoma, the daughter of Luther and Elvira Pickle Dalrymyple. A Halstead resident for the past 60 years, she was a retired food market checker.

She was a amember of the First Presbyterian Church and a life member of the Order of the Eastern Star Chapter No. 407, both of Halstead and a life member of the Rebekah Lodge.

She married John Dewey Cochran at Cushing, Oklahoma on January 17, 1929. He died May 29, 1961.

Survivors include a daughter, LaWanda J. Thornhill, Halstead; brother, Glenn Dalrymple, San Diego; grandson, Lance Thornhill and two great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by a grandson, Norman Thornhill, Jr. on December 30, 1977; sister, LaVerne Shepler and four brothers, Quentin Dalrymple, Walter Dalrymple, Virgil Dalrymple.

Graveside service was Monday in the Halstead Cemetery.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date16 Dec 1983
Linked toEstella L Cochran

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