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Dome, Tony L.
The Newton Kansan
Tony L. Dome, 84, died Sunday Aug 16, 2009, at Schowalter Villa in Hesston. He was born on Feb 17, 1925, in Pfeifer to Andrew and Catherine(Jacob) Dome. They preceded him in death. On April 21, 1956 he married Mary Lee Grubb in Newton. She preceded him in death on Dec. 7, 1990. He was a memver of St. Mary's Catholic Church and attended Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church, bothe of Newton. He served his country in the U.S. Navy during World War II and was a retired switchman for the Santa Fe Railroad. Tony was a member of the American Legion Wayne G. Austin Post in Newton. He enjoyed hunting, fishing and bowling. He looked forward to spending time and enjoyed visiting with his coffee buddies. Family was very important to him, and he greatly looked forward to spending time with his special friend and companion, Judy, his son, Greg, and his family. Survivors include his son, Gregory Dome of La Crosse, Wis.; special friend and companion, Judy Palmer of Newton; brother, Frank Dome of Great Bend; sister, Viola Schraeder of Great Bend, Vivian Schraeder of Denver and Belle Fossen of Kansas City,Kan.; and granddaughter, Annika Dome of La Crosse. He also was preceded in death by brothers, Bert Dome, Bob Dome and Ralph Dome, and a brother-in-law, LeRoy Schraeder. Visitation will be frome 1 to 5 p.m. Wednesday at Petersen Funeral Home in Newton. Recitation of the Holy Rosary will be at 6 p.m. this Wednesday at OUr Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church. The family will greet friends at the church following the Rosary. Service will be at 10a.m. Thursday at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Newton, with the Rev. Juan Garza of the church officiating. Burial will be at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery in Newton. Memorial contributions may be made to the Our Lady of Guadalupe Building Fund in care of the funeral home.
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