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Woods, Norine

The Evening Kansan-Republican

Sudden Death of Norine Woods

The Kansan received the sad news at 2:30 this afternoon of the death at 2:00 o’clock, of Norine, 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Woods. The news comes as a severe shock to the many friends of the family, as it was not known that Norine was ill. It was said she became ill about noon yesterday, and despite the best efforts of the family physician, the little girl was unable to retain medicines in her stomach, and she gradually grew violently ill, death resulting this afternoon. She was ill less than 36 hours. It had not been determined just what the nature of the sickness was. Norine was apparently well and happy Sunday afternoon and even Monday morning. (The Evening Kansan-Republican, Tuesday 31 July 1917, Page 4).

Private Funeral For Norine Woods

The funeral services of little Noreen Woods who died yesterday afternoon, will be private, and will be held at the home at 2:30 Thursday.

An autopsy held this morning revealed the presence of a contagious germ in the cerebrum and the spinal cord, and blood in the spinal fluid.

Besides her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Woods, she leaves two younger brothers.

About two years ago this home was saddened from the death of another daughter, from scarlet fever, and the parents have the sympathy of the entire community in this their second bereavement. (The Evening Kansan-Republican, Wednesday 01 August 1917, Page 6).

Owner of originalThe Evening Kansan-Republican
Date31 Jul 1917
Linked toNorine Elsie Woods

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