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VanHorn, Ruth

Harvey County Independent

Mrs. Isaac VanHorn passed away quietly last Saturday morning. She had been sick for some time and gradually became weaker, old age being the cause, until she ceased to live on this earth. She died in the Lord as is plainly demonstrated from her sickness. The Sorrowing husband and relatives have our heart-felt sympthy.

Ruth VanHorn was born in the state of New Jersey, September 19, 1811, moved with her parents to Ohio in 1815, joined the Presbyterian church at the age of 15, was married to Isaac VanHorn November 13, 1831, joined the M.D. church with her husband 1841 and at that time, received bright evidence of her acceptance with the Lord Jesus, and a rich experiance of Salvation and adoption into the Kingdom of grace as a child of the heavenly Rather.

She moved to Indiana in 1844, to Illinois in 1859 and to Kansas in 1874. She fell asleep in Jesus at her home in Halstead, Kansas January 18, 1888, aged 77 years, 4 months, 17 days. She leaves a husband and four children to mourn their loss, but it is her greatest gain; for she has only gone on before to meet the loved ones in glory.

Owner of originalHarvey County Independent
Date28 Jan 1888
Linked toRuth VanHorn

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