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Keller, Hattie Ruth

Harvey County Independent

Hattie Ruth Kelleer, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Keller was born at Salisbury, Chariton County, Missouri on November 20, 1900. In 1903 she came to Kansas with her parents when they made their home near Halstead, Kansas. Here, she attended school and grew to womanhood.

On April 1, 1917, she was baptized upon her confesion of faith and received into the membership of the Mennonite Church in Halstead.

At the age of 8 months, she was stricken with infantile paralysis. She never completely regained her health and continued to receive medical care from that early age. On September 12, 1940, she was compelled to undergo major surgery at the Halstead Hospital. She recovered sufficiently to be permitted to return to her home. On April 20, 1941 she was brought to the hospital again, being seriously ill, where she departed this life on May 2, 1941. She leaves to mourn her departure her parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Keller; one sister, Irene (Mrs. Sam Baumann) four brothers, Oliver and Raymond Keller of Harper, Kansas; Arthur and Cecil Keller of Halstead.

Funeral services were held Monday aafternoon in the Mennonite Church with Rev. David Wedel officiating. Burial was in the Halstead Cemetery.

Owner of originalHarvey County Independent
Date02 May 1941
Linked toHattie Ruth Keller

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