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Rate, Robert G. MD
Harvey County Independent
Dr. Robert G.Rate. a longtime physician and surgeon at the Hertzler Clinic, died Thursday, October 25, 1979 at Wesley Medical Center, Wichita, of complications following a cerebral hemorrhage. He was born in Iowa City, Iowa and had lived in Halstead 25 years. Before coming to Halstead in 1954, he was an Army physician 13 years.
He attended college and medical school at the University of Iowa. His internship was at the Santa Barbara County Hospital in Santa Barbara, California. Upon completion of that training in 1940, he was inducted into the Army Medical Corps.
He served two years at Letterman Hospital in San Francisco. Later he was executive officer of a medical batallion with General George Patton's Third Army in Europe. He was awarded a Bronze Star with Cluster for meritorious service.
Dr. Rate bgan his surgical residence in 1946 at Fitzsimmons Army Hospital and completed it at Walter Reed Army Hospital in 1950. While at Walter Reed, his work included reconstructive surgery of blood vessel injuries. He was recognized for that work in the Bi-Centennial publication, "200 Years of Military Medicine."
From 1951 to 1953, Dr. Rate served as chief of surgery at an Army hospital in Heidelberg, Germany. At that time, a colonel, he left active military service.
In Halstead, Dr. Rate served for many years as a member of the board of education. He was an honorary member of the Halstead High School H-Club for his long and dedicated service as team physician.
Dr. Rate was a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and a past president of the Kansas Chapter. Other professionsal memberships included the Kansas Medical Society; the Harvey County Medical Society; the American Geriatric Society; the American Association of Railway Surgeons; and the International College of Surgeons in which he served as a regent.
He is survived by his wife, Marguerite of the home; two sons, Dr. Lyman T. Rate, Leavenworth and Dr. Robert G. Raate, Keams Canyon, Arizona; two daughters, Nancy Stephens, Boston; and Peggy C. Fate, Potosi, Missouri; two sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Lewis, Denver and Mrs. Lydia Sloan, Ames, Iowa and 3 grandchildren.
Services were Monday at the First United Methodist Church, Halstead. Burial was Wednesday in Ogden, Iowa. A memorial has been established at the Hertzler Clinic Library.
Owner of original | Harvey County Independent |
Date | 25 Oct 1979 |
Linked to | Robert G. MD Rate |
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