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McKeever, James L
Evening Kansan Republican
Evening Kansan-Republican, Wednesday, October 27, 1937.
James Louis McKeever retired merchant and resident of Newton for the past eight and a half years passed away Saturday at 12:45 p.m. at the home of his step-daughter, Mrs. Karl Elmer, 500 E. Third street.
Mr. McKeever was born in Summerest, Ohio, December 3, 1851, the son of James L. and Bridget O'Hara McKeever. When he was a small boy his mother passed away and his father moved to Ellsworth, Kansas, taking his children with him.
Mr. McKeever received his education in Ellsworth and at the brother's school in St. Marys, Kansas. Then went to live with a married sister in Sherman, Texas, where he grew to manhood and worked in a mercantile store for his brother-in-law.
Later he owned and operated a meat market in Denver, Colo., then one in Chicago. In 1880 he moved to Kansas City, Mo., and purchased a grocery and meat market. It was here he met Marie Henry, a widow with one small daughter Mae. They were married Oct. 26, 1895.
His wife preceded him in death May 9, 1932. Those surviving are his step-daughter, Mae Elmer of this city and three nieces, Mrs. Mattie Leggitt of Chicago, Mrs. L. D. Turley of Independence, Mo., Miss Marie Sealy of New York City, and a host of friends.
Mr. McKeever will be greatly missed, not only by the older people but by the little folks, as he was very fond of children.
He was always so kind and considerate of everyone and tried to make life pleasant for those around him.
During the eight weeks of his illness he was very cheerful, thru all his suffering he talked of getting well and what he was going to do up until two days before he passed away.
He was such a comfort to Mae after his wife, her mother, passed away. Always ready to help her and Karl in any way he could.
Thursday evening as Mae and Karl sat by his bedside, he talked of going home and said he was ready to go at anytime. He felt he had lived long past his time and expressed a desire for an easy death, which he had.
Had he lived until December 3, he would have been 85 years old. Funeral services for Mr. McKeever were conducted Tuesday afternoon at the Duff and Son Funeral parlors with Rev. S. W. Keller, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church officiating. Music was furnished by a duet consisting of Mrs. Norman Ralph and Mrs. John England, accompanied by Mrs. A. J. Duff at the piano.
Pallbearers were W. J. Suderman, A. M. Deck, W. H. Reid, Ray Shireman, Ralph L. Shaffer and Harold Priest. Burial was in the family lot in Greenwood Cemetery.
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