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Kaufman, Anna
The Newton Kansan
Anna M. Kaufman was born Nov. 4, 1893, near Hanston, Kansas, the daughter of Rev. John P. and Magdalena Hubin Miller, She early accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord, and on June 3, 1906, was baptized by her father, becoming a member of the Hanston Mennonite church. Later, on May 27, 1923, her membership was transferred to the Bethel College Mennonite Church where she remained a faithful and active member the remainder of her life.
Her early education was received in the Hanston community. Later, she attended Bethel College, graduating from the Academy in 1916 and from the College in 1922. She also did some graduate work at Greeley, Colo.
For many years Mrs. Kaufman was a teacher. Four years she worked in this capacity in the Hanston community. She taught in the grade schools and high school at Newton for some 20 years. She also served as teacher in the Bethel Academy, three years, then becoming alumni secretary for Bethel College. As a highly respected teacher, she was much beloved by her many students.
On Aug. 8, 1917, Anna Miller married Paul Baumgartner, a fellow student at Bethel College, who later taught in the Newton public schools. They made their home on the Bethel campus. After 28 years together, on Dec. 16, 1945, Mr. Baumgartner died.
Several years later, on June 11, 1950, Anna Baumgartner married Ed. G. Kaufman, then president of Bethel College, and they were privileged to enjoy her last 11 years together. One year was spent at the American University in Cairo, Egypt, with some travel in India and Europe. After serving Bluffton College for the academic year 1959-60, they returned to their home in North Newton. Shortly thereafter, Mrs. Kaufman entered Bethel Hospital for surgery. In spite of two major operations her health did not improve. She re-entered the hospital on July 6, 1961, and died on Aug. 7, nearly 68 years of age.
She is survived by her husband; by a step-son; Gordon, and his wife, Dorothy, of Nashville, Tenn.; a step-daughter, Karolyn, and her husband, Homer Zerger, of Salina, Kan.; - six grandchildren; one brother, Ed. D. Miller, and his wife, Emma, of Hanston, Kan.; many nieces and nephews, and other relatives.
Mrs. Kaufman gave unselfishly of her time and energy in church and community activities. During her illnesses she suffered patiently and without complaint. She was an inspiration to her family and her friends.
An understanding companion, a gracious mother, a faithful Christian: broad interests made her life rich and full. Quietly and peacefully she died in the Lord.
Funeral services were held in the Bethel College Mennonite Church at 3:30 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 8, Rev. Russell mast officiating. Interment was in the Greenwood Cemetery, Newton, Kan.
The family is grateful to friends and relatives for their kindness and help during and after the illness of Mrs. Kaufman.
The Newton Kansan, 09 Aug 1961
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