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Senior, Karoline A.

Harvey County Independent

Karoline A. Senior, 78, of North Newton, died May 8, 2006 at Kidron Bethel Health Care of North Newton. She was born March 27, 1928 in Halstead to Herman F. and Alice Rink Poos.

Karoline was a member of Zion Lutheran Church, Newton, and retired after 25 years as a cosmetologist with Newton Presbyterian Manor. In her youth, she was a proud girl Scout, played clarinet and was the church organist. She sang tenor in the church and community choirs. She cooked weekly meals for the church.

Karoline had a contagious sense of humor and always was busy with sewing, crafts and amazing handwork. She loved to visit new places and sample unusual foods, and was an avid baseball and basketball fan. Leter in life at Kidron Bethel, she remained occupied with swimming, word-search and crowwsord puzzles and Bingo.

Survivors: daughter, Kathy Richstatter and companion Pat Bunton, Wichita; daughter, Jane and Steve Countryman of Bentley; son, Larry and Terry Poos of Havelock, N.C.; son Jonathan E. and Juanita Richstatter of Peabody; nine grandchildren and seven great grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her parents, brother Walter Poos and sister, Dorothy Poos.

Visitation was May 10 with the family. Services was May 11 at Zion Luteran Church with burial in Halstead cemetery.

Owner of originalHarvey County Independent
Date08 May 2006
Linked toKaroline A Senior

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