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Knight, Ida Eldora

Harvey County Independent

Ida Eldora KLnight, nee Weathers, was born on March 28, 1867 at Brownsville, Indiana and came to Hutchinson, Ks. with her father and mother and four siblings in 1885. They moved to Newton and later to a farm north of Halstead

On August 28, 1867, she married Alfred T. Knight and they lived on an adjoining farm. In 1891 they moved to Newton and came to Halstead in 19015. Four children were born tt this couple.

The Weathers family were members of the Christian church, but Mrs. Knight was an attendant at the Methodist church after her marriage. For many years, her condition of health was poorly and her eyesight failed entirely at last. An attack of the Grippe brought on her passing on November 30, 1943, reaching the age ov seventy six years, seven months and two days.

She is survived by her devoted husband, Alfred T. Knight and two sons, John D. Knight of Halstead and Claude Knight of Newton and by one daughter, Marjory, now Mrs. Henry Lettau of Eugene, Oregon. There are 8 grandchildren and one grandchild. One son, Albert, died in infancy.

Services were conducted from the Methodist Church December 3 with burial in the Halstead Mausoleum.

Owner of originalHarvey County Independent
Date30 Nov 1943
Linked toIda Eldora Knight

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