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Biographical History

Kansas: A Cyclopedia of State History. Pages 1112-1113.

A publication of this nature exercises its most important function when it takes cognizance of the life and labors of those citizens who have risen to prominence and prosperity through their own well directed efforts and who have been of material value in the advancement and development of the commonwealth. Mr. Branine is best known to the citizens of Newton and the State of Kansas at large as a distinguished member of the bar, to which he was admitted in 1893. He is especially fortified in his wide and comprehensive knowledge of the science of jurisprudence and has attained a noteworthy reputation in professional circles. Ezra Branine is a native of Illinois and was born near St. Elmo, Fayette county Jan. 16, 1872, son of Joshua and Margaret (Duwiese) Branine. Joshua Branine was born near Greensburg, Decatur county, Indiana. He was a farmer and came overland to Kansas in 1874, conveying his family and belongings in the prairie schooner of that time. He located a homestead two miles north of Newton and was one of the pioneers of Harvey county. There he experienced the vicissitudes incident to the pioneer life of that time and became a man of influence in the county. He was a stanch Republican and an active worker in his party's interests. On account of ill health he was forced to retire from active labor during the early '90s and established his residence in Newton, where he died on Nov. 12, 1898. When a young man he married Miss Margaret Duwiese, a native of Ohio, of French ancestry, who survives her husband and resides in Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Branine became the parents of nine children, all of whom are living: George W., of Kingman county, Kansas, is a well known and successful farmer; Mary C. is the wife of Simeon B. Holderman, of Newton, Kan.; Elmer L. is a farmer of near Hunnewell, Kan.; Charles E., of Hutchinson, is judge of the Ninth judicial district of Kansas; Etta is the wife of Evert Anderson, of Newton, Kan., who is employed by the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railway; John C. is a farmer of near Mulvane, Kan.; Ezra is the next in order of birth; Jeannette is the wife of Rev. William J. Shull, of Burns, Kan.; and Annie is the wife of Charles Joseph, of Potwin, Kan., a nephew of William I. Joseph, of Eldorado (see sketch).

Ezra Branine acquired his education in the public schools of Newton. One of a family of nine children, he was not afforded the means nor opportunity to take a collegiate course. His early years were spent on his father's farm, varied by an experience as a district school teacher for one term. He read law under the supervision of his elder brother, Hon. Charles E. Branine, at that time a resident of Newton, and was admitted to the bar in that city in November, 1893, at the age of twenty-one. In October, 1894, he was admitted to partnership with his brother, under the firm style of Branine & Branine, a co-partnership which continued until January, 1909, when his brother was elevated to the bench of the Ninth judicial district. In 1910 Mr. Branine formed, with H. W. Hart, the firm of Branine & Hart, which is the firm style at this writing (1911). The firm of Branine & Hart is one of the most prominent and influential in central Kansas and includes among its clients a number of the most important financial and industrial corporations of that section. Messrs. Branine & Hart are attorneys for the First National Bank, the Newton Milling & Elevator Company, Railroad Loan & Savings Company, Hamlin Supply Company, Kansas Ice Company, and Lehman Hardware Company, all of Newton; the Halstead State Bank, the Halstead Mill & Elevator Company, the Sedgwick State Bank and the Walton State Bank. During his practice Mr. Branine has appeared in connection with important litigations in both the state and federal courts. He is a man of strong character and powerful individuality, in argument is logical and convincing, his methods are clean and forceful, and his knowledge of the law is broad. His law library is one of the most comprehensive in the state, as well as one of the largest, and shows careful discrimination in selection. Mr. Branine has been a life-long Republican and is an active and influential factor in its affairs. He is chairman of the Congressional committee of the Seventh district and of the Harvey county central committee, and has attended as a delegate several state and district conventions of his party.

Mr. Branine married Sept. 4, 1895, Miss Nanie A. Rigby, daughter of the late J. A. Rigby, a brick manufacturer of Concordia, Kan., and one of the most influential men of his county. Mr. and Mrs. Branine are the parents of two children: Alden E., born Nov. 24, 1897, and Mildred J., born Aug. 4, 1902. Mrs. Branine is a woman of broad culture and refinement and is popular in the social circles of Newton, in which she is a leader. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Branine is in all respects a high type of the conservative, unassuming American, diligent in his professional duties and commercial affairs, and conscientious in all things.

Kansas: A Cyclopedia Of State History. Standard Publishing Co. Chicago: 1912. (Volume 3 Part 2 Pages 1112-1113).

Owner of originalHarvey County Genealogical Society
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