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Shirk, Minnie
The Sedgwick Pantagraph
Minnie F., wife of Harvey Shirk, died at her home last Monday evening, July 11, 1904 after a brief illness.
Minnie F. Coffman was born in Sedgwick, Kansas, February 22, 1876 and died as above stated, aged 28 years, 4 months, and 19 days. She was married to Harvey Shirk, February 10, 1897, and to this union, one child, a son, was born who with the father survives her. She leaves a husband, a son, father, mother, six brothers, three sisters, and a host of friends to mourn.
She was taken ill last week with some kind of throat trouble, gradually grew worse, fever increased, other complications ensued, and in spite of all that loving hands and medical will could do she passed from earth. She was a young woman, of cheerful disposition and many virtues. Her brief career on earth was a happy one and it is sad indeed that her life could not be prolonged. The bereaved husband, motherless son and the many relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in their deep affliction.
Funeral services were conducted from the home Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Dadisman, of the M. E. Church, after which the body was taken to Hillside Cemetery.
The Sedgwick Pantagraph, Friday July 15, 1904.
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