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White, William C.

Halstead Independent

William C. White, an old settler of Halsteaad township, he having located on the farm three miles west of town in 1872, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. B. Lehman at Redlands, California on April 11, 1908. Captain White had been in failing health for a long time and was confined to his bed for several months.


William White was born in Preble county Ohio on September 9,  1826 and was therefore more than eighty-two years of age.  He was a pioneer of the most rugged type and had an eventful life.  He made a trip overland to California during the gold excitement of '49 after having seen service in the Mexican war.  He settled in Missouri during the early fifties and came to Kansas in 18172.  He was also a veteran of the civil war.


He was married March 21, 1849 to Miss Emeline High, a native of Tennessee and seven children were born to this union.


Aboit 8 years ago he sold the old home place and moved to town and a few years later accompanied his daughter to California.  He is survived by six children who are C. O. White and Mrs. Wood of Little River; Mrs. Lehman and Mrs. George Southard of Redlands, California; Sumer H. White of Halstead and Joe F. White of Kansas City.  His wife died about seven years ago. The remains were brought to Halstead Tuesday and the funeral was held from the Methodist Church with Rev. J. W. Anderson of Wichita.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date11 Apr 1908
Linked toWilliam C. White

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