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McBurney, Ellen Seville Miller

Halstead Independent

The funeral of Mrs. Alex McBurney of whose death was made in these columns last week wqs Friday afternoon from the old home place five miles north of Halstead and was one of the largest funerals ever held in this part of the county.  Rev. Patterson of the Methodist church officiated.  Interment was made in the City Cemetery.  The county offices at Newton were closed for the funeral and all of the officeers attended in a body, a most fitting tribute to the memory of the wife of a fellow officer.


The Newton Kansan Republican of last Thursday contained the following beautiful story of her life, whidch was one worthy of emulation;  One of Harvey county's noble pioneer women passed to her reward when Mrs. Alex McBurney, wife of the county commissioneer, died at her  home in Halstead township last night.  Mrs. McBurney had been more or less ill for 30 years, her ailment being stomach trouble.  More recently, a complication of diseases sete in for two years, whe has been failing rapidly, despite all the best medical attention could avail.  She did not go to bed until four weeks ago when her condition became such that she was compelled to give up.  Since that time she had sunk slowly and the relatives have known that.


She moved with her parents to St. Joe County, Michigan in the spring of 1865, living there until 1872, when she moved to Lawrence, Kansas for her health.  It was at Lawrence that she made the acquaintance of Alex McBurney, who was to be her future husband.  He came to Newton in 1872 and homesteaded the claim in Halstead township which has ever since been the home of the family.  He returned to Lawrence in May 1874 and on the 20th of that month, they were married.  They came immediately to the farm in Halstead township where they have ever since resided meeting together the many hardships of the pioneer days, but living to enjoy many happy hours on the home place to see it develop into a nice country home and to rear a family of stalwart sons and daughters.


Besides the husband the following children survive: C. H. McBurney, county treasurer-elect of Newton; Frank and Arthur McBurney, both who farm near the old homestead in Halstead township; Mrs. Ellen E. Ruth who was married only two weeks ago and is still at home; Miss Sadie, who lives at the parental home and Mrs. Lonie Thomas of Los Animas, Colorado.  Three brothers and two sisters also suvive: Charles Miller of Whitewater, Kansas; Mark and Dan Miller, Michigan; Mrs. Margaret Cromley and Mrs. Sarah Mervine, both of Michigan.


Services were held at the Methodist Church with burial in Halstead Cemetery.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date28 Aug 1907
Linked toEllen Sevilla Miller McBurney

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