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Larson, Violet Harris

Halstead Independent

Mrs. Viiolet Harris Larson, oldest daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Harrris, died at the home of her parents Thursday November 21, after an illness of about six weeks with typhoid fever.  She had seemingly been improving until a short time before her death, complictions set in which carried her away at the time stated.


Violet H. Harris was born in Balderstone, near Rochdale, Lancashire, England on September 22, 1880 and came to America and to Halstead with her parents in  1886.  She united with the Presbyterian Church in this city in 1893 and continued a member until her marriage to Peter Larson of Racine, Wisconsin on October 22, 1900 when she united with the Lutheran Church of that city, by letter from this city.


The deceased moved to Magnolia Springs, Alabama in November 1903 where she resided until July 1906 when she returned to the home of her parents.  She was a young eoman with many excellent traits of character which endeared her to the members of the family and those who formed her acquaintance and her untimely death has cast a gloom over all who knew her.


She leaves a husband, who came from Mobile, Alabama to attend the funeral, two children; a father and mother; one brother and five sisters to mourn heer passing.


Services were held at the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning, conducted by Rev. Oliver.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date21 Nov 1907
Linked toViolet Harris Larson

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