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Landis, Martha

Halstead Independent

   Miss Martha Landis of the Nurses Trainiing School passed away early last Wednesday morning at the Halstead Hospital following a short illness due to a serious abdominal infection.  She was born near Lucien, Oklahoma on  February
12, 1909.  She was the eighth of nine children.  On June 9, 1924, Rev. John Lichti, administered the Holy Rite of Baptism and accepted her into the Church of Jesus Christ, uniting with the Mennonite Church of Deer Creek, Oklahoma.  The following September, she came to Halstead to complete her high school work and graduated with the Class of 1927.  Upon completing her high school education, she entered nurses training at the Halstead Hospital on September 16, 1927.  Her first year of training revealed to her that she could have chosen a better field of service in which to spend her life.

   Some ten days before her death, she had a slight attack of tonsilitis, but a few days later, she again took  her regular duties, only to be taken down again with an ailment which was diagnosed as abdominal infection.  Her mother, Mrs. John Landis of Lucian, Oklahoma was summoned on Friday, arriving here the following morning.  The remainder of the family were called Sunday and she put up a splendid fight for life.  Martha succeeded in warding off death until her brother, Albert of California, whom she had not seen for many years arrived Wednesday morning, a few hours before she passed away.  She recognized him and the completion of the family circlc seemingly satisffied her and she slowly began to surrender her life.  Martha's last hours were spent in humming the tunes of her favorite hymns, among which were 'Give of Your Best to the Master" and "Safe in the Arms of Jesus".

   Martha was an active member of the Mennonite Church in Halstead, haviing  become a member in January 1925 and she w as truly a servant of God.

   Her grief stricken parents, brothers and sisters, fellow nurses and friends have the sympathy of the entire community and perhaps the best answer to their grief can be found in the Cross of Calvary holding before the world the Greatest Soul the world has ever known; the greatness of Whom was revealed through death; through grief and sorrow.

   She leaves to mourn her death her father and mother, Mr. & Mrs. John Landis, Lucien, Oklahoma; seven brothers, Walter and Arthur Landis, of Lucien; Albert of Upland, California; Otto of Davenport, Iowa; Carl of Bluffton,  Iowa; Adolph and John of Tiskillwa, Illinois.  She was preceded in death by one sister, Frieda.

   Funeral services were held at the Mennonite Church Friday afternoon with Rev. H. T. Unruh om cjarge/  Omter,emt was made in the City Cemetery.

Owner of originalHalstead Independent
Date1928 or 1929
Linked toMartha Landis

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